144 MHz in Europe - 2005

ES > 2800km  |  TR > 2800km  |  ES num. QSO/squareES clouds location  |

Known QSO over 2800 km via Sporadic-E

Station 1 Station 2 Km. UTC Date-Time
DK3EE JO41GU EB8BTV IL18 3343 29/05/2005 18:06
PA2CHR JO22XA EB8BTV IL18QI 3227 29/05/2005 18:40
PA0PVW JO22VA EA8BTV IL18QI 3218 29/05/2005 18:25
DF8IK JO30JT EB8BTV IL18QI 3174 29/05/2005 18:07
PA2DW JO22GD EB8BTV IL18QI 3171 29/05/2005 18:59
PE1AHX JO21OS EB8BTV IL18QI 3171 29/05/2005 18:42
PA3CMC JO21WI EB8BTV IL18MM 3170 29/05/2005 18:00
DF7KF JO30GU EB8BTV IL18MM 3166 29/05/2005 17:59
PA0JMV JO21PM EB8BTV IL18QI 3155 29/05/2005 18:13
PA0JMV JO21PM EB8BTV IL18QI 3155 29/05/2005 18:13
G4RRA IO80BS RN3QR LO00QR 3131 01/06/2005 18:10
G4RRA IO80BS RN3QR LO00QR 3131 01/06/2005 18:10
EA5DKU IM98HF EW6PW KO55 3077 01/06/2005 16:33
G4RRA IO80BS RN3QR LO00BK 3058 01/06/2005 18:09
G4FUF JO01 EB8BTV IL18QI 2965 29/05/2005 18:11
EA8BPX IL18SK IK5AMB/5 JN54FF 2959 02/07/2005 16:40
EA6VQ JM19HN US5II KN88WA 2951 31/05/2005 15:12
G4FUF JO01GN EB8BTV IL18QI 2949 29/05/2005 18:11
G4FUF JO01GN UA6ACN KN96VC 2898 01/06/2005 15:28
G4FUF JO01GN RA6DA KN96SA 2885 01/06/2005 15:30
G4FUF JO01 EB8BOY IL28HP 2885 19/05/2005 14:50
G4FUF JO01 UA6ACN KN96VC 2864 01/06/2005 15:28
G4FUF JO01 RA6DA KN96SA 2851 01/06/2005 15:30
G4FUF JO01GN UW6MA KN97VE 2846 01/06/2005 15:28
G4FUF JO01GN RK6LXN KN97TD 2837 01/06/2005 15:41
G4FUF JO01 UW6MA KN97VE 2812 01/06/2005 15:28
G4FUF JO01 RK6LXN KN97TD 2803 01/06/2005 15:41

Known QSO over 2800 km via Tropo ducting

Station 1 Station 2 Km. UTC Date-Time
EI5FK IO51RT RW1ZC/MM IK19PA 3714 15/08/2005 12:30
EI5FK IO51RT RW1ZC/MM IL10NU 3516 15/08/2005 11:09
G4LOH IO70JC RW1ZC/MM IL10GF 3492 29/08/2005 9:48
G4LOH IO70JC RW1ZC/MM IL10GF 3492 07/08/2005 10:03
G4LOH IO70JC RW1ZC/MM IL10GF 3492 07/08/2005 10:51
G4LOH IO70JC RW1ZC/MM IL10IP 3442 29/08/2005 20:20
G4LOH IO70JC RW1ZC/MM IL10IP 3442 29/08/2005 20:20
G4LOH IO70JC RW1ZC/MM IL10IP 3442 29/08/2005 10:11
D44TD HK86NO CT1ANO IN51 3072 29/08/2005 20:47
EA8BPX IL18SK G3CKR/P IO93 3061 02/07/2005 21:39
D44TD HK86NO CT1ANO IN51RE 3058 29/08/2005 20:43
EA8BPX IL18SK GD4GNH IO74 3044 02/07/2005 15:26
CT1EEB IN50QR D44TD HK86NO 3011 15/08/2005 18:24
CT1EEB IN50QR D44TD HK86NO 3011 15/08/2005 18:22
EA8BPX IL18SK G4CBW IO83 2997 02/07/2005 17:27
G4CBW IO83UB EA8BPX IL18 2980 02/07/2005 17:27
D44TD HK86NO CT1EEB IN50 2976 15/08/2005 18:32
D44TD HK86NO CT1EEB IN50 2976 15/08/2005 18:30
D44TD HK86NO CT1EEB IN50 2976 15/08/2005 18:29
CT1EEB IN50 D44TD HK86NO 2976 15/08/2005 18:35
D44TD HK86NO CT1EEB IN50 2976 15/08/2005 18:32
D44TD HK86NO CT1EEB IN50 2976 15/08/2005 18:30
D44TD HK86NO CT1EEB IN50 2976 15/08/2005 18:29
CT1EEB IN50 D44TD HK86NO 2976 15/08/2005 18:33
G4CBW IO83UB EA8BPX IL18SK 2973 02/07/2005 19:58
G4KWQ IO92AQ EA8BPX IL18 2956 02/07/2005 20:09
GW8IZR IO73TI EA8BPX IL18SK 2940 02/07/2005 12:34
G0CUZ IO82WM EA8BTV IL18QI 2940 02/07/2005 13:44
GW8IZR IO73TI EA8BPX IL18SK 2940 02/07/2005 12:34
G0CUZ IO82 EA8BTV IL18QI 2913 02/07/2005 13:43
G0CUZ IO82 EA8BPX IL18SK 2899 02/07/2005 21:08
D44TD HK86NO EA7FGJ IM67XI 2835 18/07/2005 20:41
D44TD HK86NO EB7COL IM77AG 2833 13/07/2005 19:47
EA1FDI IN52SR 5T5SN/B IK28AC 2827 07/08/2005 5:07
EA8BPX IL18 MW1MFY IO81 2809 02/07/2005 9:23
MW1MFY IO81 EA8BPX IL18 2809 02/07/2005 9:09
MW1MFY IO81 EA8BPX IL18 2809 02/07/2005 9:23
MW1MFY IO81 EA8BPX IL18SK 2801 02/07/2005 21:20
EA8BPX IL18SK MW1MFY IO81 2801 02/07/2005 9:23
MW1MFY IO81 EA8BPX IL18SK 2801 02/07/2005 12:25

Number of QSO per square made via Sporadic-E

In this map you can see the locations more favoured by Sporadic-E propagation on 144 MHz. The coloured spot in each square shows the number of QSO reported by stations located in it. At a glance you can see that although some QSO has been made from almost any square in Europe, the more favored areas have been The Netherlands, Belgium, Bulgaria (as in 2004), and central Europe in general, while very few QSO have been made from northern/central France (as in 2004). It's also noticeable the unusual high number of QSO made from Finland.  This map has been made based of the 15049 QSO that are in my database, however you have to bear in mind that surely much more QSO have been made, so the map is just an approximate estimation that allows an overview of how the Sporadic-E season was, it's not 100% accurate.

Average location of Sporadic-E clouds

This map show an estimation of the location of the Sporadic-E reflection areas (clouds) that allowed the 15049 QSO that I have in the database. The coloured spots in each square show the number of QSO made when the reflection was calculated to be above that location. You can clearly see that the clouds mainly formed over eastern Poland and south-western France, there is gap over southern Germany and Czech republic. However you have to understand that this map is the result of calculations made from the reported contacts, so the lack of coloured spots over central IN field (for instance) does not mean that no ES clouds have formed over there, but simply that no QSO have been reported in this sense.

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