HF and V-U-SHF QSO/SWL database

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  1. Select the band: 
  2. Select the propagation mode: 
  3. If you wish, restrict the query by some of the following criteria:

    Reported in the past hours

    Reported from at UTC
                            until at UTC       

    Containing the callsign (You can use wildcards, like ZA* or *EA6*)

    Containing the text

    Show only QSO above: kilometers

    Restricted to an area:

  4. Select the maximum number of returned QSO:
  5. Select how do you want to see the results:
  6. Select how do you want to sort the listing:


This database is intended to contain all QSO & SWL on the amateur radio and other bands, that have been reported by sending DX-Spots through different networks. The robot program (DXMAPS) automatically filters out those DX-Spots that are not real QSO/SWL, such as self-spottings, chat-like, etc. This is very hard to achieve because of the unformatted nature of DX-spot comments. You can help DXMAPS by sending formatted DX-spots that could be easily identified by it. DXMAPS also tries to get the most accurate locator of both stations and applies a complex algorithm to guess the propagation mode involved in the QSO. The idea behind this project is to make available a world wide database of QSO on the V-U-SHF bands that can help in propagation studies, statistics, summaries, real-time QSO maps, propagation alerts by E-Mail, etc.

Propagation mode identification currently only works for 28, 50, 70, 144 and 432 MHz, plus the OIRT, FM, AIS and VOR SWL bands. More functionalities will be added later if there is enough interest.

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