Sporadic-E statistics. Year 2007 in Europe

Graphs generated by DXMAPS based on its QSO database
Only single-hop QSO have been taken into account

Daily highest MUF (MHz), average MUF (MHz), number of QSO/10 on 50 MHz and number of QSO/10 on 144 MHz


Detailed highest MUF (MHz), number of QSO/h on 50 MHz and number of QSO/h on 144 MHz, in 30 min. intervals


Hourly distribution (whole year) of average MUF (MHz), number of QSO/10 on 50 MHz and number of QSO/10 on 144 MHz



Hourly distribution of average MUF (MHz), number of QSO/10 on 50 MHz and number of QSO/10 on 144 MHz


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