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Dear VQLog user,

Here you have the program that will upgrade your VQLog 2.x, 3.0x or 3.1x to the newest version. This upgrade is the result of correcting all reported bugs and adding some new functionalities. (See details).

IMPORTANT: Remember that according to VQLog's licensing conditions you are allowed to update your version for a period of two years after acquiring the license. If you acquired VQLog's license more than two years ago then you will have to renew your license in order to update it.

Please notice that if you are using a foreign language plug-in you also need to download the new plug-in file corresponding to this version. If you update the program, but not the plug-in file, then you are likely to get some of the texts of the program in English.

False Antivirus Warnings: VQlog incorporates an UDP server in order to exchange data with WSJT-X / JTDX.  This could lead some Antivirus programs to raise false warnings of vulnerabilities in VQLog code. You can be sure that the program has been checked with latest version of McAffee in order to guarantee that is is free of any virus, so you should trust it.

First of all you must find out which version of VQLog you have installed right now. In order to do so run your copy of VQLog and go to "Help - About"....here you will read the version number in the logo window.

If you currently have version 2.0g, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.3a, 2.3b, 3.0, 3.0A, 3.0B or 3.1 installed ....please follow these steps:

  1. Make a back-up copy of your logs, address-book & configuration files (LOG.MDB, DIRECC.MDB, CONFIG.MDB....). The easiest way to do it is using the menu "File - Maintenance - Back-up the database". Then quit VQLog.
  2. Create a new temporary folder (C:\TEMP\VQLOG for instance) and check that it's really empty
  3. Make sure that VQLog is not running. If it is, close it. (A computer reboot is very much recommended)
  4. Download the file vqlog31setup.exe (42 MB) and copy it to the temporary folder. This file holds the complete setup of version 3.1 (build 766).
    • Important: Do no run this program directly from Internet. You must download it to the empty temporary folder and run it from there once the download is completed.
  5. Run it and follow the easy setup instructions on display.
    • If you have Windows Vista, 7,10 or newer you must read this information on how to run the setup and the program itself as administrator in that operating system
    • If you get an error message ("Unexpected error" or other text) during the setup then read the FAQ
  6. If necessary, download the latest version of the TABLAS file, supporting new modes, new DXCC, etc.


If you currently have an older version installed (VQLog 2.0a ... 2.0f)...


All software in this page is guaranteed  to be virus-free and has been checked with the newest version of McAfee antivirus software.


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