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Picture of the village of Utrillas (Teruel)
Date: Sep-2008
Camera: Sony DSC-H5
Comments: Utrillas is a town in the province of Teruel (community of Aragon, Spain), administrative capital of the region of the coalfields. The origins of Utrillas go back to the Iberian and Roman times, existing remains of the settlement which would then give rise to the current population. At the time of the Reconquista was when Utrillas became known by its present name, becoming part of Montalban and being under the protection of the Knights of Santiago. It was later incorporated into the Crown of Aragon by King Fernando el Catolico. Apart from the Parish Church, a barroque temple of the XVII century, it deserves the attention the "Monument to the Miner" statue by José Gonzalvo Vives located in the Town Hall Square.

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Architecture/Buildings (248)Teruel (21)

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