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Picture of the abandoned village of Moya (Cuenca/Spain)
Date: Sep-2003
Camera: Minolta Dimage-XT
Comments: The double defensive ramparts, with they access gates: del Altillo, de la Villa, de San Juan and de los Ojos. Moya was along the Middle Age a christian defensive enclave but its moment of prosperity and monumental development was after the Reyes Catolicos give the village to Don Andres Cabrera, first marquis of Moya, in 1475. Moya was the head of 36 villages of the maquisate, that later passed to different noble families: the family Villena-Escalona, then the dukedom of Pe�aranda and finally the Casa de Alba. All the buildings are in ruins since the habitants moved to Santo Domingo de Moya and other near villages.

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Province of Cuenca (45)Towns/Cities (360)

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