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The hanging houses

The hanging houses
Picture of the 'casas colgadas' (hanging houses) (Cuenca/Spain)
Date: Sep-2003
Camera: Minolta Dimage-XT
Comments: These houses are the most famous of Cuenca but in fact they are a modern myth and a paradox. Although they are from the XIII and XVI centuries, the way they look like now is due to later improvements and modern changes, that make them very picturesque but not typical of Cuenca, as far as the architecture of the wooden balconies is concerned. These houses are named "Casa de la Sirena", holding the meson, and "Casa del Rey" in which the Museum of Abstract Art is located. In the first of them lived a nobleman called Juan de Guzman, in the first part of the XVI century, and in the second lived the canon Gonzalo Gonzalez de CaƱamares.

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Architecture/Buildings (248)Cuenca (14)Province of Cuenca (45)
Towns/Cities (360)

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