QTH locator and callsign directory for Babylon

Notice: This directory for Babylon is not updated and no future update can be expected.

What is Babylon ?

Babylon-Pro is a powerful Translation, Information and Conversion tool, that instantly provides relevant information about any word or value you click on.

Why this directory was made for Babylon ?.

Using the Babylon program as a tool for accessing the directory is definitively the most comfortable and easy way to get information on a certain callsign or locator.  You simply have to click on any callsign or locator you can see on the screen (independently of the program being used) and you will get the information about it instantly in a pop-up window. (See an example)

How much does the directory cost ?

The directory ("Glossary" in terms of Babylon) is free (and it will continue being free in the future)

Please notice that the Babylon-Pro program itself is NOT freeware, but if you try it (free trial available) I am sure you will find it so useful that you will not doubt buying it.

How can I get the directory ?

You can download it from Babylon's site 

What information does the directory contain ?

It's just a directory of callsigns and grid-squares, so that you can click on a callsign so see it's grid or click on a grid to look for the stations QRV from there. It contains the locator of over 77,000 callsigns !

If you are looking for a complete VHF database of stations QRV together with their working conditions, bands and modes of operation, etc. then what you need is the VHF-Group DL West database  

From where are the callsigns and locators in the directory taken from ?

They have been extracted from different sources, basically the on-line locator database, my own logbook, update files sent to me from other HAMs and automatic collecting from the DX-cluster.

If you find your own information inaccurate or even want me to remove you entry from the directory please send me an E-Mail

Can I contribute to improve and upgrade the directory ?


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