144 MHz activity DX contest rules

In Spanish In German

This contest is organized by the VHF-DX-Group DL-West with support from the German magazine Funk-Telegram (FT). Object of this contest is to activate the 144 MHz-Band within the meaning of DX business, like DXpeditions or exploring propagation phenomena's. The question is to work as much as possible different stations with QRB >499 kms during one calendar year (01. Jan. -31. Dec.), and different squares (SQR's) in any distance as much as possible! Working is possible from different locations during the year. QSOs worked via EME, satellites, repeaters etc. are not valid!


A) PHONE: For stations working phone exclusively. SSB and FM modes are valid.

B) CW : Exclusive telegraphy class including High-speed-CW.

C) MIXED: All modes are valid including FSK, PSK and RTTY etc.

You are allowed to choose yourself the participation-category A, B or C or more than one class. Separated logs are then required. It is also possible to send all your QSOs of the whole year in a complete ADIF-file. The Contest manager will then calculate your results himself.

QSO-POINTS: Every first QSO on 144 MHz in the participation-year with a station in distance of at least 500 km from your actual QTH counts one QSO-point. A QSO with a station counts one time during the contest period of one calendar year. Only if you change your own Square, or the station you have worked before changes its SQR (DX-pedition, portable...) you can count this as one new QSO-point again (of course QRB must also be > 499 km).

SQUARE-MULTIPLIER: The total number of different SQR's worked in one contest-period are counting as multiplier. This may include your own SQR and SQR's in lower distances and also SQR's you worked on your 2nd QTH, 3rd QTH... if they were not worked before from your home.

To avoid counting double QSOs from the same SQR, checklists should be made. These checklists, one for each of your locations you were active from, should include: own call, SQR, call and SQR of worked station, QRB, date and (as known) kind of propagation. Also a checklist of the total worked squares should be included. SQR-points multiplied with number of QSO-Points (1st QTH + 2nd QTH...) delivers your total result:

SQUARE-Points x QSO-Points = Total points

The contest depends on honesty and will be evaluated until end of March of the following year. Therefore it is necessary to have your logs until Feb. 28nd of the following year at the contest managers mail box:

VHF-DX-Group DL-West
c/o DK2BJ Ulrich Hacker
Karl-Marx Allee 155
D-52066 Aachen

E-mail to: DK2BJ@aol.com or DK2BJ@darc.de

The first three stations of the three sections will receive certificates! The results will be published by the magazine Funk-Telegram (FT) and in other well known VHF-magazines and media within Europe. If you send a SASE with your log, or a valid e-mail address is known, you will receive the results these ways.

Users of VQLog logbook program can generate easily the lists for the contest using the funcion "Summaries - Activity DX contest"

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